Where We Stand
A quality education forms the foundations of a fulfilling and secure life. We support a well-funded public school system that provides teachers and students with the tools they need to enable college and career readiness and encourage lifelong learning that extends beyond the classroom.
Environmental Stewardship
We believe that we need to Invest and maintain our treasured parks and open spaces and encourage and support town wide plans to reduce contaminates to our drinking water. We support exploring opportunities for transitioning to renewable energy sources. We know there is an urgent need to prepare for current and future impacts of climate change on our beaches and coastal areas through resiliency planning and mitigation measures.
Affordable Housing
We strive to ensure residents are not priced out of our community. Promote a variety of housing options for all individuals and families at different income levels. We support fair and equitable tax policies.
Economy/Business Environment
We need to attract and retain strong businesses that provide jobs and expand our tax base and encourage sustainable commerce by supporting small business and tradespeople in the community. Improve our roads, utilities and broad band access and invest in ongoing maintenance and infrasturcture.
Public Safety
We are proud to have a nationally CALEA accredited police department and strives to provide the highest level of professionalism and police services to our great community and emergency service providers that strive to protect the lives, property and environment of our community through professional fire suppression, emergency medical treatment and transportation, disaster management, fire prevention, and public education.